User testing is a great way to discover problems with your website or app. And to increase empathy with your users. But how does it work? Why is it such a valuable method? And which type of user testing can you use in which situation?
- You ask a number of people to perform a number of typical tasks on your website or intranet.
- Or on a mock-up if you're in the process of building a new one.
- The test is performed on an individual basis.
- So it’s not like a focus group where there's a bunch of people giving you feedback all at once.
- Please, don't ever call a focus group a user test.
- The test participant should belong to your target audience. Recruit for engagement, not demographic representation.
- Ideally, the test participants are existing or potential clients.
- Everything the test participant does and says is recorded.
- That way you and your team can review and analyze the data afterwards.
- Encourage the test participant to think aloud.
- Simply let them vocalize whatever's going through their head while they're surfing on your site. If this doesn't come naturally to them, don't push it. Observing participants' behaviour is more important than listening to what they're saying.
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